About Good Day Club

And so it began…

…’It’ being the world’s longest About Us page.

This glorious little business became a thing back in 2013. Kate was on a Pinterest rampage for her and Dave’s upcoming wedding and decided that she wanted to hire vintage furniture for said wedding. While there were one or two small vintage hire businesses in Melbourne, none had everything she wanted, and it was mostly pretty rustic when what Kate wanted was more glamarama – velvet, bold colours, textures – and what not! More on the what nots later.

An idea formed. A business idea.

The ‘Let us start us biz’ moment

What you’ll read next is a re-enactment of a pivotal and (oft-retold) moment in their lives…

Kate to Dave, “Let’s buy the furniture we need for the wedding and then start a vintage hire business.”

In true Dave fashion, he replied, “But what about warehousing and logistics?”

Flippantly waving her arms around, Kate replied, “We’ll work it out!”

Which they have – but golly, those parts have been the most challenging and the least fun, but what the hey, that’s #smallbizlyf for ya.

From eBay to eternity (which turned out to be the year 2024)

So, Kate – a long-time eBay + vintage lover, began buying vintage dining chairs, lounge furniture, and trestle tables. In Kate’s sister’s ute named Maxine (because at that time K+D only had a Suzuki Swift named Ol’ Dirty Bastard), they traipsed all over Victoria picking up furniture which would become their first collection. All the while meeting hilarious, interesting, quirky sellers, who shared their love of vintage and good chats – telling us the history of the pieces – many of which they still have in their glorious collection.

Post their December 2013 wedding at Gardens House, Royal Botanic Gardens, they set about building a website, and doing the other super sexy business set-up things like registering a business name (Good Day Rentals), getting an ABN and worrying if this was a fecking terrible idea and would ruin them.

Ready for take-off

In August 2014 they launched Good Day Rentals (which became Good Day Club in 2019 – more on that below), while both working at their corporate jobs. Kate as a corporate communications manager and Dave, a business analyst. The furniture lived in their front bedroom, stacked to the actual (quite high) ceiling. That room still has the scratches to prove it, because they didn’t have a garden shed to store stuff (and still don’t).

They’ve both since exited their corporate flunky lives – Kate in 2015 when she had Remy, went on maternity leave and never went back. And Dave in April 2018, though he has since returned in late 2019 after Kate fired him from the day-to-day Good Day stuff, which is not as mean as it sounds, OK? Turns out he really did not like doing events. 

Say hello to Good Day Club!

In May 2019, Good Day Rentals became Good Day Club – a name that much better reflects what they now do as a business. In the beginning, it was just furniture hire, then came event design and styling, neon sign hire, graphic design and finally interior design.

Le Pandemic years

Well. We survived the pandemic years. Limping along as theoretical events people, planning events but rarely executing them, with some of our clients being on the books for over three years by the time they finally got to have their events. Kate and Dave had their second kiddo, and then swiftly began homeschooling a preppy, while doing everything possible to ride the lockdown stop start and get ‘back to normal’. Lol.

Back to it! Or not?

Literally, and we mean very literally, as soon as the final lockdown was over, Kate broke her leg in three places and had to have surgery. Just surviving the pandemic, with a seven month old babe and now a very badly broken leg. HAHAHAHA. Then another surgery was needed. Then Kate fell backwards out of the truck and broke her wrist. This was December 2022. Why are we telling you this? Because it’s a big part of the reason why we decided to change things up once again.

Good bye hire, good day interior design

It took almost all of 2023 to complete postponed events that the pandemic tossed around into chaos. But we did it and they were truly amazing events, because we threw absolutely everything we had into making them great for our splendid clients, who’d waited so very long. But all of the above and all of this and prob some other reasons too, meant the level of burn out was so high, there really was no way back.

So, after Kate began studying interior design in 2023, we decided that hire was the thing that needed to go. Good bye to all the very hard parts like logistics and warehousing, needing lots of staff and schlepping heavy old furntiture around at anti-social hours of the day and night.

So what now?

Now, we’re focussed on design – for interiors and events. We can still design your event or wedding, but we’ll have to source what you need from other companies – which is ok as there are lots of good ones! We want to work with you on your interiors projects, set designs, market stalls, exhibition spaces and activations.

Well, good day and good night, thanks for reading!

Meet Kate

Kate Forsyth

Kate Forsyth

Co-Founder + Creative Director

Co-founder and creative director of Melbourne event design and interiors styling legends, Good Day Club.
Kate Forsyth is an expert at stacking unstackable vintage chairs, driving her truck – God – with only a few minor infractions with roadside trees and traffic islands, and designing and styling the raddest, most non-traditional and fun weddings known to wo/man/people.
Kate is also a person. Outside of running a small business she parents two small humans – Remy (8) + Bon (2) along side her husbo Dave, plays drums, reads like a mofo and likes to drink beer and paint things pink.